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Best Indian sweets of Dharwad | Babusingh’s thakur pedha

The Art of Perfection: The Passionate Creation of Babusingh’s Thakur Pedha

The dedication and passion that goes into making Babusingh’s Thakur Pedha is what sets it apart from other sweets. As mentioned, the sweet is made using only the finest ingredients and traditional techniques that have been passed down through generations.

Handmade with Love: The Authenticity of Babusingh’s Thakur Pedha

One of the most remarkable things about the sweet is that it is made entirely by hand. In an age where technology and automation are prevalent, it is refreshing to see a family-owned business that still values the art of handcrafting their products. The use of wood fire to cook the mixture adds a smoky flavour to the pedha, making it even more unique and special.

Crafted with Patience: The Delicate Four-Hour Sweet-Making Process

The four-hour sweet-making process may seem time-consuming, but it is necessary to ensure that the pedha is of the highest quality. The slow cooking process allows the milk and sugar to blend together perfectly, creating a rich and creamy texture that melts in your mouth. The milk used to make the pedha comes from local farmers, and the sugar is of the highest quality, ensuring that each piece of pedha is of the utmost quality. This attention to detail and commitment to using only the best ingredients is what makes Babusingh’s Thakur Pedha stand out from other sweets.

An Exquisite Tradition: Craving the Perfection of Babusingh’s Thakur Pedha

Overall, Babusingh’s Thakur Pedha is a true labour of love that embodies tradition, dedication, and passion. The use of only the hands and traditional techniques is a testament to the Thakur family’s commitment to preserving the legacy of this sweet dish. If you’re looking for a taste of tradition, then you must try Babusingh’s Thakur Pedha – the soft, creamy texture and rich flavour will leave you wanting more.

Babusingh’s Thakur Pedha is not just a mouth-watering delicacy but also a celebrated tradition that has been recognized by various prestigious awards and certifications. As mentioned, Babusingh’s Thakur Pedha is an ISO certified company with GI tagged products. This means that the company has met strict quality control measures and adhered to traditional manufacturing practices to ensure that their products are of the highest quality.

Celebrating Excellence: Accolades and Accreditations of Babusingh’s Thakur Pedha

The company’s commitment to tradition and quality has been recognized over the years with various awards, including the Lord Willingdon Medal in 1913, the Provisional Co-operative Conference Certificate in 1925, the Award by the Government of Karnataka in 1999, the Priyadarshini Indira Gandhi Award in 2001, and the Rajiv Gandhi Excellence Award in 2002. These awards are a testament to the Thakur family’s unwavering commitment to preserving their family’s legacy and ensuring that their products remain of the highest quality.

Furthermore, Babusingh’s Thakur Pedha has been a part of Dharwad’s food culture for over 175 years. This long-standing tradition has earned the company a reputation as one of the most trusted and respected manufacturers of food products and namkeens in the country. Their commitment to using only the finest ingredients and traditional techniques is what sets them apart from other manufacturers.


In conclusion, Babusingh’s Thakur Pedha is not just a delicious sweet but a celebrated tradition that has stood the test of time. The company’s commitment to preserving their family’s legacy and maintaining the highest standards of quality is reflected in the numerous awards and certifications they have received over the years. If you’re looking for a taste of tradition and quality, then Babusingh’s Thakur Pedha is definitely worth trying.


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